• Учителю
  • Промежуточная аттестация (итоговая контрольная работа) по английскому языку для 3 класса УМК МИЛЛИ

Промежуточная аттестация (итоговая контрольная работа) по английскому языку для 3 класса УМК МИЛЛИ

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Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 3 класса

</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">УМК «МИЛЛИ»

Вариант 1

  1. Найдите правильный перевод слова.

  1. violin

а) гитара b) скрипка с) барабан

  1. send invitations

а) посылать приглашения b) делать украшения с) делать кукол-марионеток

  1. have a snowball fight

а) делать снеговика b) разбивать лагерь с) играть в снежки

2. Найдите правильное слово.

  1. lerocdico

  1. decoration b) crocodile c) cuddly

  1. esbolu

  1. blouse b) buffalo c) cloudy

  1. esys

  1. ears b) sail c) eyes

3. Уберите лишнее слово.

1) a cloud, the moon, the sun, the sky, an alien, a rainbow

2) a beach, a mountain, a river, a lake, a season, a forest

3) a sweater, jeans, shoes, an elephant, shorts, a dress

4. Найдите правильный ответ на каждый вопрос.

  1. When does winter begin?

  1. On Sunday. b) In December. c) It's snowy.

  1. How much are the stickers?

  1. It's fifty roubles. b) I've got some stickers. c) They are eighty pence.

  1. What can he do?

  1. He can clean. b) He can't cook. c) He's got two feet.

5.Закончите предложение.

  1. It's sunny. It's hot. I'm going to …

  1. skate b) have a snowball fight c) dive

  1. It's snowy. I'm going to …

  1. skateboard b) make a snowman c) sunbathe

  1. It's rainy. It's foggy. It's cloudy. I'm going to …

  1. play computer games b) roller-skate c) sail

6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) He….. basketball every day.

a) plays b) is playing c) play

2) Where …….you going now?

a) do b) is c) are

3) She …. jumping now.

a) is b) am c) are

4) …… are taking some pictures.

a)she b) we c) I

5) ……. books are great.

a)us b)our c) ours

6) Would you like ……. lemonade.

a)some b) any c) no

8)Have you got ……. apples?

a)some b) any c) no

9) There …… four chairs in the living room.

a)am b)is c) are

10) She ……. going to make a snowman.

a)am b) are c)is

11) My mother and my granny are beautiful……

a)women b)woman c)womans

12) Mrs.Smith has got two small ………

a) babies b) babyes c) babys

13) ……….. are his books.

a) that b) these c) this

14) My ……. car is big .

a) father b) father`s c) fathers

15) A rainbow………….. got seven colours.

a) have b)has c)is

Вариант 2.

  1. Найдите правильный перевод слова.

  1. timetable

а) школа b) расписание с) учитель

  1. ride a scooter

а) кататься на самокате b) плавать с) медленно

  1. dance to music

а) задувать свечи b) рассказывать шутки с) танцевать под музыку

2. Найдите правильное слово.

  1. thmuo

  1. walk b) small c) mouth

  1. veslea

  1. lion b) leaves c) live

  1. wesaret

  1. sweater b) shorts c) shoes

3. Уберите лишнее слово.

1)Sunny, foggy, cloudy, happy, snowy, rainy, windy.

2) jeans, shorts, trousers, sweater, trainers, oranges

3)panda, tiger, crocodile, elephant, duck, lion, monkey

4. Найдите правильный ответ на каждый вопрос.

  1. What would you like for your birthday?

  1. I'd like a bike. b) I can skip. c) I live in Russia.

  1. What do pandas eat?

  1. I am eleven. b) Pandas eat leaves. c) I like nuts.

  1. Who's going to dance?

  1. Mum makes a cake. b) Martha's going to dance. c) It's foggy.

5.Закончите предложение.

  1. It's sunny. It's hot. I'm going to …

  1. sunbathe b) make a snowman c) ski

  1. It's snowy. I'm going to …

  1. swim b) dive c) skate

  1. It's rainy. It's foggy. It's cloudy. I'm going to …

  1. play computer games b) ride a bike c) camp

6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) I ….. football every day.

a) plays b) is playing c) play

2.) Where …….pandas live?

a) do b) does c) are doing

3) She …… ………. invitations now.

a) is sending b) sends c) send

4) ………. are making some puppets.

a)she b) I c) we

5) ……. classroom is big and nice.

a)us b)our c) ours

6) Would you like ……. nuts?

a)some b) any c) no

8)Have you got ……. scooters?

a)some b) any c) no

9) There …… three women and a man in the room.

a)am b)is c) are

10) She ……. going to start the music.

a)am b) are c)is

11) My granny has got some ……….

a)geeses b)geese c)gooses

12) Look at these little ………

a) puppys b)puppy c)puppies

13) ……….. are his friends.

a) that b) these c) this

14) My ………….. house is big.

a) aunt's b) aunt c)aunts

15) The robot ………….. got a nose and two eyes.

a) have b)has c)is


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