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  • Урок английского языка по теме 'Inventions in our life' (11 класс)

Урок английского языка по теме 'Inventions in our life' (11 класс)

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.Цели урока: создание учебно-познавательной среды, способствующей применению полученных знаний в стандартных и творческих ситуациях, демонстрации коммуникативных умений и навыков, навыков работы в компьютерных
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема урока:" Inventions in our life"

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.

Вид урока: практического применения знаний, умений и навыков.

Цели урока: создание учебно-познавательной среды, способствующей применению полученных знаний в стандартных и творческих ситуациях, демонстрации коммуникативных умений и навыков, навыков работы в компьютерных программах «Merits», «Power Point», развитию творческого и критического мышления через презентацию своего проекта, навыков исследовательской деятельности.

Содействовать расширению информационной, лингвистической и социо-культурной компетенций учащихся; воспитанию самостоятельности, активности, осознанию многогранности мировой цивилизации и своей причастности к её развитию.

Оборудование урока: компьютерный класс, слайды с заданиями по уроку, слайды учащихся с презентациями своих изобретений, текст для чтения с тестом в программе «Merits» (level 11A) , интерактивная доска.

Ход урока:

1. Organization moment.

Our life is filled with inventions. We can't imagine it without many of them. So the theme of our lesson is "Inventions in our life". Your task is to speak about the inventions, about their role in our life, the second task is to get more information about inventions, try to be the inventors and patent your inventions at the lesson and show your knowledge in English and using the computers.

2. Word clustering.

What ideas come to your mind when you hear the word "Inventions"? (ответы учащихся, используется интерактивная доска)

robots high

cars technologies

planes INVENTIONS computers

knowledge inventors


Make up the sentences using these words. (Итог работы на этом этапе: составление предложений и ситуаций.)

3.Brainstorm. Answer the questions (вопросы на слайде в виде таблицы с координатами, приложение №1)

Задача учащихся задать вопрос, называя его координаты: А 4,В 3 и т.д.

4. Discussion.

Слайд с изображением различных изобретений. (Приложение №2)

Look at these things and answer the questions:

Are these things important to you?

Which is the most important?

Which is the least important?

Many years ago there were no fridges, cars, planes and many other things. How do you think your grandparents or your great-grandparents managed without these things? What did they use instead?

5. Working with the text from the computer programme " Merits"

(Level l1 A, theme "World around us")

Listen and read the text and then do the test.

A short discussion after reading and doing the test.

What inventions are mentioned in the text?

What is the greatest invention according to the text?

What did Thomas Edison say about inventions?

6. Working with the textbook.

Ex.18, page 43

Read the statements. Do you agree or disagree with them? Work in groups. (приложение №3)

7. Presentation of the students' projects

Project №1 "Inventions our teens and American teens couldn't live without from the list of five"

Анализ диаграмм.

Данные представлены нашими друзьями по переписке из школы Pinecrest, города Силакага, штат Алабама.

Данные другой диаграммы составлены по результатам опроса учащихся нашей школы. (Приложение №4)

Project №2 " The inventions of the nearest future"(используется материал из CD -ROM "Современные чудеса света")

Project №3 " The inventors of our Kostanai region "

Project № 4 " The inventions of the students" (презентации изобретений «Magic stove», «Scanner of mood», приложение № 5)

8. Summarizing

The words from our President's message "It's necessary to do all our best to develop high technologies and implement our scientists' inventions into our life"

9. Homework: write a short composition "The role of the inventions in our life"

Приложение №1





Name some inventions

Name great inventors.

What would you like to invent?


Can you imagine our life without inventions?

Name three most important

inventions for society.

Name the invention which is rather a luxury than a necessity


How do inventions influence our life?

What are the most important inventions for you personally?

Name the invention which is rather a necessity than a luxury


Can we say that this or that invention is very important?

What inventions will be replaced or changed by future technology?

Complete the sentence

If there were no… the people would/wouldn't… .

Приложение №2

1. ______ 5.telephone 9.________

2. ______ 6. ______ 10. ________

3. ______ 7._______ 11.________

4. ______ 8._______ 12. car______

Приложение №3 (слайд «Stating your opinion»)

I think… That's true, but… That's ridiculous…

I agree… I disagree… That's absurd…

Absolutely true… I can't agree with…

Приложение №4

Inventions American teens couldn't live without.

Inventions our teens couldn't live without.

Приложение № 5 (слайды с презентацией собственных изобретений)

«A magic stove»

With the appearance of high technology the speed of our life becomes faster. People began to spend less time for eating and sleeping. It has a bad effect on health of our generation. Modern generation needs energetic nutrition. We eat unhealthy, junk food and have a stomachache and a stomach ulcer. Therefore I constructed a new invention. It will help people to eat healthy food and always be filled with force. I called my invention « A magic stove». It's easy to use it. Just take a picture of any product, put it into the stove, switch on, wait for 10 seconds and get fresh healthy food with vitamins and minerals. You can use this invention in all service industries: at canteens, restaurants, schools and shops and of course at homes.

«A scanner of mood»

My invention will help people be always in a good mood. You come home, but you are not at home, you are on a sunny beach. You go to a bedroom and get to a place like this or this. You are not in the kitchen; you are in this romantic place. All this happens to my invention «A scanner of mood». It feels the mood of a person and helps to improve it.


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