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- Языковое мероприятие “КВН” на английском языке
Языковое мероприятие “КВН” на английском языке
Языковое мероприятие "КВН"
</ Тема: Magic
Цель: стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению предмета.
Образовательная: расширять культурный кругозор учащихся;
Развивающая: развивать мышление, память;
Практическая: практиковать учащихся в чтении, аудировании, говорении;
Воспитательная: воспитывать толерантное отношение к сверстникам, умение работать в группе;
Классы: 8-10
Оснащение: Компьютер, проектор, аудио- и видеофайлы, костюмы.
Ход мероприятия
За две недели до мероприятия детям было задано подготовить приветствие и песню с темой "Magic. Harry Potter". Жюри выбираются из практикантов-гостей. Практиканты выполняют роль ведущих.
На проекторе проигрывается видео с основными моментами из фильмов о Гарри Поттере. (основной смысл - настали тёмные времена, пришло время встать на защиту своих близких и друзей).
Hello, guys! Welcome to Hogwarts. We are glad to greet Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Halfpuff! Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points.
Now, teams, please introduce yourself! (приветствие, макс. балл 5)
Thank you, now you can join your classmates and go to your dormitories. But, don't forget to say the password. The password is MAGIC! And remember, the Fat Lady likes signing.(конкурс песен, 5 баллов)
The door is open. Now it's time for classes. You will have History of Magic, Spells, Potion, Transfiguration lessons. So, shall we start? (викторина в три этапа; каждой команде задаётся по вопросу разной сложности в зависимости от этапа; если команда не справляется с заданием, вопрос переходит к другой команде)
1) How do wizards call magicians? (Magl - маглы)
2) How does the harry potter's scar looked like? ( lightning- в форме молнии)
3) Who delivers the mail to wizards? (owls - совы)
4) Harry Potter spent every summer at the house of one family. Who are they? (семейство Визли - Weasley)
5) What is the street where Harry Potter and The Dursley live? ( privet drive)
6) What is the name of You-Know-Who? (Volondemort)
Harry potter and philosopher stone(заставка)
1) What did Hagrid give Harry as a present on his birthday? ( birthday cake)
2) Dudley tried to eat Harry potter's birthday cake and Hagrid made an attempt to turn him into an animal. What was the animal? (pig)
3) Which faculty did the Sorting Hat offer Harry to choose? (slytherin - слизерен)
4) What did Harry inherit from his father? ( invisible cloak - магия невидимка)
5) What is Ron Weasley's favorite game? (chess)
6) What is the name of the dog who was standing guard over the Philosopher's stone? (fluffy)
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
1) What is the name of the House-Elf who helped Harry Potter? ( Dobby)
2) What is the tree that destroyed the flying car? ( whomping willow - гремучая ива)
3) What is the only creature the spiders were afraid of? (Basilisk - василиск)
4) Who was taken hostage in the Chamber of Secrets? ( Jenny weasley)
5) What was the creature that helped Harry to kill the Basilisk? ( Phoenix - феникс)
6) What did clean the Harry Potter's wound from the Basilisk's poison? ( phoenixs' tears)
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
1) Who is the Harry Potter's godfather? ( Cirius Black)
2) Who of the teachers was able to turn into a werewolf? (Professor Lupin)
3) Hermione answered the Severus Snape's question about the difference between werewolf and Animagus. What does the term Animagus mean? ( Animagus is a magician who can turn into something for his own will)
4) Whom Peter Pettigrew was able to turn into to? (into Rat)
5) Whom Sirius Black was able to turn into to? (Grim or a dog)
6) Who is the guard of the Azkaban prison? ( Demetors)
4. Your leaders were cursed. They can't speak. But they have very important information for you. And you need to understand what they will show you. ( конкурс капитанов; капитаны получают карточки с фразой на английском языке, которую они должны показать своей команде не используя слов; команда должна угадать)
While the leaders get ready for the task, we are going to remember the spells. (разминка с командами; дети должны угадать заклинание по картинке). (34 слайд Expecto patronum; 35 слайд - Limus Maksima; 36 слайд - Avada Kedavra)
(Flying on the broom - летать на метле, the owl delivers the mail - сова доставляет почту, To practice witchcraft with magic wand - колдовать волшебной палочкой)
Now our guests from Ministry of Magic will decide your fate whether the Hogwarts will be closed or will survive.
Anyway, nothing will change our life. We will always be friends and go through hell and high water together as a team (ведущие совместно с детьми поют финальную песню, пока жюри подводит итоги)