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  • Обучающий тест по английскому языку для 5 класса

Обучающий тест по английскому языку для 5 класса

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Choose the correct general question to each sentence:

1. Greg's birthday is in May.

a) Is Greg's birthday in May? (go to i.9)

b) Does Greg's birthday in May? (go to i.13)

c) Greg's birthday is in May? (go to i.16)

2. Fiona likes gardening.

a) Does Fiona likes gardening? ( go to i.10)

b) Does Fiona like gardening? (go to i.12)

c) Do Fiona like gardening? (go to i.15)

3. Helen's brothers are swimming in the sea at the moment.

a) Are Helen's brothers swimming in the sea at the moment? ( go to i.11)

b) Are Helen's brothers swim in the sea at the moment? (go to i.14)

c) Are Helen's brother swimming in the sea at the moment? ( go to i.17)

4. Gary played cricket last week.

a) Did Gary played cricket last week? (go to i.19)

b) Does Gary play cricket last week? ( go to i.18)

c) Did Gary play cricket last week? ( go to i.20)

Choose the correct wh- question to each sentence:

5. Greg's birthday is in May.

a) What is Greg's birthday in May? ( go to i.21)

b) When is Greg's birthday? (go to i.24)

c) When is Greg's birthday in May? ( go to i.23)

6. Fiona likes gardening.

a) What does Fiona like? (go to i.22)

b) What Fiona likes? (go to i.25)

c) Who does like gardening? ( go to i.27)

7. Helen's brothers are swimming in the sea at the moment.

a) Whose brothers swimming in the sea at the moment? ( go to i.29)

b) Where are Helen's brothers swimming at the moment? (go to i.28)

c) Who are swimming in the sea at the moment? ( go to i.26)

8. Gary played cricket last week.

a) When does Gary play cricket? (go to i.32)

b) What game did Gary played last week? ( go to i.30)

c) Who played cricket last week? ( go to i.31)

9. You are right! When we make up a question in the Present Simple, is goes before subject.

He is at home. Is he at home? (go to i.2)

10. No! We form the third person singular in the interrogative sentence in the Present Simple with

DOES + Subject (HE,SHE,IT)+ Verb (main verb without -s)

Does he play tennis? ( go to i.2)

11. Well done! We form the Present Continuous in the interrogative with

TO BE(am,is,are) + SUBJECT + V-ing

Are you playing the guitar? (go to i 4)

12. Bravo! We form the third person singular in the interrogative with

DOES + SUBJECT (he,she,it) + VERB (main verb without -s)

Does Sam watch TV in the evening? ( go to i.3)

13. You are not right! You can't use does as the auxiliary verb in the question because

the main verb is absent. Does Greg have his birthday in May?( go to i.1)

14. Wrong! This question is not right because the main verb - swim is used without -ing.

Are they swimming now? (go to i.3)

15. Sorry… You are wrong! We can't use the auxiliary verb do with third person singular. We use do

to form all the other persons in the interrogative sentence.

Do you/we/they like reading? (go to i.2)

16. Wrong! It isn't an interrogative sentence. To form a question we use the verb is before the subject.

Is Susan eleven in April? ( go to i.1)

17. No! Pay attention to the subject -his brother! If the subject is in plural, we use are. If the subject is in

singular, we use is in the Present Continuous.

Is your sister playing in the yard now? (go to i.3)

18. Wrong! This question is used in the Present Simple, so it doesn't match to the main sentence because

the main sentence is used in the Past Simple.(go to i.4)

19. You must study grammar! We form questions in the Past Simple with:

DID + SUBGECT + VERB (base form of the verb)

Did Sam stay at home yesterday? ( go to i.4)

20. Bravo! Your choice is correct! (go to i.5)

21. No! You can't use the question word what to start the interrogative sentence because what

we use for things. You can begin the question with what if the main sentence contains

some information about it.

My favourite day is Friday. What is your favourite day? (go to i.5)

22. Well done! You know the rule! (go to i.7)

23. Wrong! This question contains the answer. When is Lin and Sam's wedding in June? (go to i.5)

24. You are right! We use questions with when for time/dates.

When is Tim's birthday? ( In August) ( go to i.6)

25. Unfortunately, you are wrong! You forgot how we form the third person singular in the "wh-question".

WH-QUESTION + DOES + SUBJECT (he,she,it) + VERB(base form without -s)

What does he like doing? (go to i.6)

26. No! The question word who refers to the third person singular, so we use is with it.

Who is playing in the garden? ( my sons) (go to i.7)

27. You are not right! When we ask the question to the subject, the auxiliary verb isn't used and the main

verb has the same form as in the affirmative sentence.

Who likes reading in the evening? ( go to i.6)

28. Well done! You know how to form wh-question in the Present Continuous! (go to i.8)

29. Sorry… It is right! This question is used in the Present Continuous. We form the Present Continuous

with: TO BE + V-ing. The form of the verb to be - are is missed in the question

Whose children are playing volleyball now? ( go to i.7)

30. Wrong! You forgot how to form the wh-question in the Past Simple.

WH-QUESTION + DID + SUBJECT + VERB (the base form)

What game did she play yesterday? (go to i.8)

31. Bravo! When we asr the question to the subject, we don't use the auxiliary verb and use the main verb

from the context.

32. You are wrong! The main sentence is used in the Past Simple so we form question with the auxiliary

verb did that goes before the subject.

When did Sam play football? (go to i.8 again)

Рекомендации учителю. В качестве домашнего задания можно предложить учащимся заполнить таблицу при заполнении которой учащиеся закрепляют навык образования вопросительных предложений данных типов.Types of


Present Simple


Bob likes fishing in the summer.

Present Continuous


Mum is watching TV in the living room.

Past Simple


Sam went to Italy last summer.


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